Section outline
Dear Students!
Welcome to Vadības uzskaite!
I am your professor for this course. You may call me Veronica, although I am fine with any formal address that is comfortable for you. My main fields of interests are Sustainability & Social Design for Business Environment.
On the course page, you will find key course information, readings, and assignment submission information. To keep on track, plan to visit the page regularly, at least a few times a week.
The mode of delivery of this course is in-person, however, consultations could have held online. You are expected to attend all scheduled classes.
Try to give yourself some time to arrive a few minutes early for class. If you need tech support, sent your questions to the helpdesk.
In our first scheduled class, I will explain in more detail what the course covers, my expectations for you, and the required resources for this course. There will also be time for any questions you may have.
Please send me an email at anytime, and I will reply within two business days.
I am very excited to have this course with you, and I look forward to meeting you shortly!
Warmly, Your Professor
Veronica Silinevicha, Ph.D
Kursa anotācija
Studenti apgūst un izprot vadības grāmatvedības galvenos uzdevumus, tai skaitā izpratni starp kopējo un atšķirīgo vadības grāmatvedībā un finanšu grāmatvedībā. Apgūst izmaksu uzskaites un analīzes sistēmu, pašizmaksas kalkulācijas aprēķināšanas metodes un paņēmienus, izmaksu plānošanu un kontroli, kas vērsta uz kvalitatīvu uzņēmējdarbības vadības funkciju pildīšanu.
Studiju kursa noslēgumā jānokārto eksāmens par studiju kursā apgūtajām tēmām.
Studiju kursa laikā jānokārto 2 kontroldarbi un jāizstrādā 1 pastāvīgais darbs, kas tiek prezentēts un jāizstrādā pastāvīgie darbi, kas uzdoti kā mājas darbi.
Dear Students,
please note that here you can download a corporate presentation template for creating presentations for lectures or meetings.