This study course provides a comprehensive introduction to econometric data analysis, covering a range of topics related to sampling, validity, reliability, causality, qualitative and quantitative methods. Students will learn about the principles of sampling design, including considerations such as target population and sample representativity, as well as the classification of sampling methods. The course also covers the structure of data, levels of measurement, and scales, as well as the differences between categorical and continuous data and non-response bias. Students will explore the foundations of estimation and inference, including design-based inference, confidence intervals, variance estimation, and hypothesis testing, and will also learn about regression models, discrete choice models, and estimation methodology. The course provides practical aspects of longitudinal survey data analysis, time series, and macroeconometrics, and also covers the process of carrying out an empirical project, from posing a question to econometric analysis.

The course is to outline the process leading to the formation of the modern world economy, in a broad institutional and chronological perspective. Particular attention will be paid to forecasting the consequences of the globalization of the world economy.

Educational aim:

Understand of the regularities of national economic development in the conditions of globalization and estimation of the socio-economic consequences of the effects of globalization. The course is offered in two semesters: the third and the fourth semester, with 4 CPs in the third semester and 2 CPs in the fourth semester. At the end of the course, a dissertation examination is taken.

Assessment strategy

The course outline will be followed throughout 2 semesters. In 3th semester are 4 KP and 4th semester 2 KP. The condition for obtaining the final grade for the course is to obtain a positive evaluation (at least 5 points)To assess the learning outcomes of this course, several types of activities are provided, which include . In 3th semester: 1) performing a tests independently (formative assessment) 2) Report on the given topic 3)Presentation based on the report . In 4th semester 4) Doctoral seminar 5) examination (promotional exam). The text includes 10 basic questions on the theoretical aspects of the course; Report on the given topic (in framework on the topic of the PhD theses),,The text should be between 3500-4000 words in length; 3)Presentation based on the report ( a presentation on the topic of the report); 4) Doctoral seminar : PhD student prepare of the presentation on 40 min and discussion. 5)The promotional exam is passed by the students to the commission, which is approved by the Rector. The exam includes two questions on the theory of the academic course and the third - the presentation of the theoretical part of the dissertation