Information systems (IS) and information technologies(IT) are changing work practices, reshaping organisations, transforming cultures, and giving new meaning to the way we see the world. This course is designed to help students understand the role of IS/IT in the enterprise and the means by which these systems are designed, developed,  utilised and maintained. The course will focus on enterprise information architecture including the components of the enterprise strategy, business, application, information, and infrastructure layers. This course provides not only a framework for understanding information systems but also language to identify their dynamic complexities and interdependencies.

This course will introduce a range of fundamental and contemporary data management issues, techniques and tools that may be applied across the study programme. The course consists of several units which will highlight specific topics. The first unit is devoted to Relational modelling and key data management concepts. The second is targeted at Database construction issues. The third deals with Data querying and manipulation (SQL). Next will enrich students with Data cleansing and aggregation issues. The fifth will explore NoSQL stores. And finally, the last one will consider different types of Architecture (OLAP, OLTP, ETL) and cloud and distributed data stores.
The course is designed to be accessible to major students with little or no programming experience and emphasizes writing programmes that can retrieve and manipulate a large amounts of data. The first half of the course focuses on intensive learning of Python programming language (base syntax, programme structures, and data types), while the second half of the course covers selected topics of data processing - work with multidimensional arrays (numpy), data frames (pandas), visualisation (metplotlib), and modelling (statsmodels, scikit-learn).