The course prepares a young scientist and, possibly, a future academic staff of a higher educational institution for pedagogical, scientific and organizational activities. The course covers the following aspects of scientific and organizational activities: organization and participation in scientific conferences, scientific correspondence, organization and participation in scientific projects, modern tools for collecting data for organizational and / or scientific tasks. Part of the course is devoted to modern approaches, forms and platforms used in teaching. In the course of practical and independent activities, students take part in organizing a scientific conference, review abstracts for the conference, write letters, and also prepare an educational and methodological complex for the chosen topic and conduct classes with students of the bachelor's and / or master's level.
This course will introduce students to the behavior of nonlinear systems, the propagation of waves in nonlinear media, the quantitative assessment of the properties of the chaotic dynamics of processes and systems, the knowledge and skills of analyzing and interpreting the behavior of systems taking into account the effect of nonlinearity, mathematical models of the behavior of dynamic systems and the quantitative assessment of the properties of chaotic processes and systems.

Aim of the course:    The goal of the course is to introduce PhD students into special aspects of scientific work and  principles of writing of scientific publications

Learning outcomes:   On successful completion of the course, student will be:

• become familiar with scholarly resources in particular fields of science and technology and be able to critically analyze and evaluate sources sufficient to develop an annotated      bibliography  and literature review for their chosen topic;

•  know the typical structure of the paper, abstract, research report etc.

• get skills training presentations, abstracts or publications; ability to conduct scientific debate, argue their ideas and suggestions

•manage bibliographic database

Цель курсаДать знания, навыки анализа и интерпретации поведения систем, влияния нелинейных эффектов, построения математических моделей динамических систем, количественной оценки свойств хаотических процессов и систем.

Информационные системы на транспорте

Многомерный статистический анализ
Моделирование систем