This course presents an introductory survey of computer science. It explores the breadth of the subject while including enough depth to convey an honest appreciation for the topics involved. This broad background is also what students from other disciplines need if they are to relate to the technical society in which they live. A computer science course for this audience provides a practical, realistic understanding of the entire field. There is, of course, also an introduction to using the Internet and training in the use of some popular software packages to form digital competencies needed for educational purposes.
This course presents an introductory survey of computer science. It explores the breadth of the subject while including enough depth to convey an honest appreciation for the topics involved. This broad background is also what students from other disciplines need if they are to relate to the technical society in which they live. A computer science course for this audience provides a practical, realistic understanding of the entire field. There is, of course, also an introduction to using the Internet and training in the use of some popular software packages to form digital competencies needed for educational purposes.

Iepazīšanās ar galvenajiem datorzinātnes virzieniem, kura veido pareizu studiju programmas pamatkursu apgūšanas motivāciju. Augstskolas studiju procesa pamatprasību un studiju informatīvās vides apgūšana.

The course provides an introduction to the science of computing. It surveys the breadth of the subject to convey an honest appreciation for the topics involved. Basic requirements for study process at TSI will be discussed. Students will receive the IT background for the TSI Intranet utilization.

The course provides an introduction to the science of computing. It surveys the breadth of the subject to convey an honest appreciation for the topics involved. Basic requirements for study process at TSI will be discussed. Students will receive the IT background for the TSI Intranet usage.