Object Oriented programming
The course "Object-Oriented Programming" is designed to consolidate and structure the knowledge and skills in programming acquired in other special courses. The course offers software development topics with a direct focus on the fundamental principles and techniques of OOP, which are a universal part of the overall software development process. The content focuses on widely used methods, tools and techniques of modern software development in various OOP languages and is widely supported by practical programming examples.
- Teacher: Mihailovs Andrejs
After successful completion of the OOP course, students will be able to use methods of the OOP when developing software, to explain the essence of principles lying in the bases of these method and to argument the expediency of application of this or that approach in the set situation.
- Teacher: Gavrilovs Dmitrijs
- Teacher: Mihailovs Andrejs
- Teacher: Mišņevs Boriss
After successful completion of the OOP course, students will be able to use methods of the OOP when developing software, to explain the essence of principles lying in the bases of these method and to argument the expediency of application of this or that approach in the set situation.
- Teacher: Mihailovs Andrejs
- Teacher: Mišņevs Boriss
- Teacher: Turno Francesco Maria
Educational Aims: To study the object-oriented programming principles and techniques (with C# and .Net Framework examples).
- Teacher: Gavrilovs Dmitrijs
- Teacher: Mihailovs Andrejs
- Teacher: Mišņevs Boriss
Pēc sekmīgas OOP kursa pabeigšanas, studenti izstrādājot programmatūru varēs izmantot OOP metodes, izskaidrot OOP principu būtību un argumentēt lietderību piemērojot šo vai šīs pieejas programmatūras izstrādes situācijai.
- Teacher: Gavrilovs Dmitrijs
- Teacher: Mišņevs Boriss
- Teacher: Kolodinskis Antons
- Teacher: Mihailovs Andrejs
- Teacher: Mišņevs Boriss
- Teacher: Vesjolijs Aleksejs